The Power of a Bcom

Although this post is not directly related to any specific news or a current business event, it is in fact extremely important for my interpretation of the business career and my own future. After reading the post ‘I would rather have an army knife’ written by my classmate Clement Lau, I began to question myself in the same way he did; why did I choose to study commerce?

Unlike others I do not know exactly what I want to do, but instead of stressing about my future choices I have realized through out the past months that having a Bcom can be extremely helpful in an infinite number of areas. Similarly to Clement, the lectures and readings we were exposed to in the past months have allowed me to see how significant is the role of a ‘business man’ in fashion (Eg Zara’s uniqueness), social participation (Eg social entrepreneurship), technology (Eg Cell phone market) and even Government (Eg EU crisis). The potential that one person with a business degree has is what encourages me to understand better how business’ actually work so in the future I can connect my Bcom with my personal interests.


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