Year: 2012

The Road Ahead (week 3)

  After last week gains on soybean from short contracts I decided to offset those contracts in order to gather some “money”. Also, I shyly tried corn futures market with a short contract on March 2013. For the next week,

Cool Source of Information (week 3)

On I found a “Soybean Futures and Options Weekly Blog” where you can quickly see the summary of every week changes in price of soybean and the reason for this: Also, fundamental of corn trading is synthetized on

What Went Right/Wrong (week 2)

Week 2 of trading on Trade Sim was a mixt of loss and gain with my soybeans contracts. From the first week I come with a short contract for January 2013 (S3F) and a long contract for November 2013 (S3X).

The Road Ahead (week 2)

For the next week I intend to have a look at the corn market, as corn and soybeans are substitute goods: they share growing seasons at similar latitudes, climate, a common currency, fuel costs and transportation needs. Therefore understanding of

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Cool Source of Information (week 2)

A good source of information that I plan to use is Morning Market Review by Bryce Knorr. I found about this from one of my classmates blog and, as I start reading the review, it seems to be a very

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What Went Right/Wrong (week 1)

In my first week of trading in a simulated commodity futures market, I choose to trade 2 contracts of soybean. I went short in the beginning of 2013 and long in the last trimester of the same year. I did

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The Road Ahead (week 1)

Next week I want to go ahead with the same commodity, soybean, hopping that more research will give me a better picture of what I should trade on the soybean futures market. I will look after the characteristics of soybean

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Cool Source of Information (week 1)

The Farm Journal website is a good source of information for finding the trends in the soybean market. They have agricultural news, , global news related to agriculture and different issues that influence the agricultural goods CBOT Agricultural

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Northen Gateway Pipeline will raise the price of crude oil for Canadian refineries

“Northern Gateway Hearings. The Alberta Federation of Labour says the Enbridge pipeline project will actually eliminate Canadian jobs” Gil McGowan, the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour was one of the guests of the September 4th  “As it

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