What went right (week 9)

As I realized that the end of our trading game is closer and closer, I wanted to change my cautious positions and try something new.

Two weeks ago I decided to trade more contracts that I was usually trading. I went short on soybean and on corn:

–          4 contracts S3F (January 2013)

–          4 contracts C3H (March 2013)

Last week I offset 2 of my soybean contracts and 2 of corn contracts.  These contracts add to my account gains of $7000. Therefore, I trade more contracts, knowing that the price of corn and soybean are on a decreasing trend.

Next move was almost the same – other short contracts: 2 x C3H, 2 x S3F and 4 x S3H (March 2013).

First day after I went short on March 2013 soybean contracts, my mark to market was pointing loss for S3H, but after that for every contract the price went dawn and start making me profits. Next move was to start off set them, but not all at once, just in case something unpredictable would happen.

After two weeks of buying and selling futures contracts for corn and soybean, may realized gains were  $28798.50 and my equity balance rise to almost $80000.


Week 8                                                     Week 9

Equity:                 $55774.94                  Equity:                 $79934.67
Realized Gains:  $13079.50                  Realized Gains:    $28798.50

After all, it was a good game for me 🙂


Sources of  information:



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