Category: Trading Game

Trading in a simulated commodity futures market

End of the game (week 10)

It seems that THIS week is the last week of blogging for me (the plans changed and I need to blog one more week). This is the last week for news regarding the trading game. I would keep this blog

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Week 8

What went right/wrong (week 8) Last week was a risk-more-gain-more week for me. After three boring weeks while I had a spread on corn and nothing memorable happened, I decided to lift my spread and to go for a bigger

What went right/wrong (week 5)

I left my spread position on corn for two weeks and just observed the movement in prices. I can say that almost every time when price increased or decreased, my gain was smaller than my loss. So I didn’t have

Cool Source of Information (week 5)

This week I decided to get into the insides of some technical analysis of the financial markets. For this I choose the website. Because I went short on 2013 March contract for corn and long on 2013 July contract

What Went Right/Wrong (week 4)

The first days of the last week I gain small amounts due to my short contract on corn. I was thinking to go short on more of the same contracts for a significant profit, but in the meantime I was fearful of

The Road Ahead (week 4)

I intend to keep my spread position on corn for the week that follows. I also believe that while we are closing to the end of harvest period in US, the price for corn will increase. Whereas the forecast corn

Cool Source of Information (week 4)

One of the sources I used this week is I could extract information regarding the change in corn price from “Weekly Corn Review” and “Weekly Basis and Transportation Review”. In these reports they estimate that the overall price curve

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What Went Right/Wrong (week 3)

This week was a good one for my trading game. The decrease in prices of soybean in the beginning of this week made me feel the sweet taste of gain.  My equity balance grew from $40098.28 to $46060.82 on Monday,

The Road Ahead (week 3)

  After last week gains on soybean from short contracts I decided to offset those contracts in order to gather some “money”. Also, I shyly tried corn futures market with a short contract on March 2013. For the next week,

Cool Source of Information (week 3)

On I found a “Soybean Futures and Options Weekly Blog” where you can quickly see the summary of every week changes in price of soybean and the reason for this: Also, fundamental of corn trading is synthetized on


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