Category: Trading Game

Trading in a simulated commodity futures market

What Went Right/Wrong (week 2)

Week 2 of trading on Trade Sim was a mixt of loss and gain with my soybeans contracts. From the first week I come with a short contract for January 2013 (S3F) and a long contract for November 2013 (S3X).

The Road Ahead (week 2)

For the next week I intend to have a look at the corn market, as corn and soybeans are substitute goods: they share growing seasons at similar latitudes, climate, a common currency, fuel costs and transportation needs. Therefore understanding of

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Cool Source of Information (week 2)

A good source of information that I plan to use is Morning Market Review by Bryce Knorr. I found about this from one of my classmates blog and, as I start reading the review, it seems to be a very

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What Went Right/Wrong (week 1)

In my first week of trading in a simulated commodity futures market, I choose to trade 2 contracts of soybean. I went short in the beginning of 2013 and long in the last trimester of the same year. I did

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The Road Ahead (week 1)

Next week I want to go ahead with the same commodity, soybean, hopping that more research will give me a better picture of what I should trade on the soybean futures market. I will look after the characteristics of soybean

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Cool Source of Information (week 1)

The Farm Journal website is a good source of information for finding the trends in the soybean market. They have agricultural news, , global news related to agriculture and different issues that influence the agricultural goods CBOT Agricultural

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