Tag: soybean

Cool Source of Information (week 4)

One of the sources I used this week is FarmFutures.com. I could extract information regarding the change in corn price from “Weekly Corn Review” and “Weekly Basis and Transportation Review”. In these reports they estimate that the overall price curve

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The Road Ahead (week 2)

For the next week I intend to have a look at the corn market, as corn and soybeans are substitute goods: they share growing seasons at similar latitudes, climate, a common currency, fuel costs and transportation needs. Therefore understanding of

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The Road Ahead (week 1)

Next week I want to go ahead with the same commodity, soybean, hopping that more research will give me a better picture of what I should trade on the soybean futures market. I will look after the characteristics of soybean

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Cool Source of Information (week 1)

The Farm Journal website is a good source of information for finding the trends in the soybean market. They have agricultural news, http://www.agweb.com/article/corn_soybean_yields_increasing_/ , global news related to agriculture and different issues that influence the agricultural goods http://www.agweb.com/article/wisconsin_classified_as_abnormally_dry__rain_not_enough_to_restore_moisture_LN/. CBOT Agricultural

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