Hi there!

Welcome to my blog!  My name is Mikaela and I’m a second year GRS student here at UBC. My main area of interest is international development, specifically in South Asia. Development is very important to me, as I feel it is a powerful mechanism for positive change in the world. It is a rather vague concept though, and unfortunately is often associated with connotations of colonialism, paternalism, and rent-seeking. As such, I’ve come up with my own definition of (good) development:

Development is the process of increasing welfare and improving quality of life.  It is inherently empowering, inclusive and participatory.  Development is an action state; it is dynamic and ongoing.  In order for development to occur, it must be built upon a foundation of respect, equity and justice.

This blog is a way of documenting my journey through the GRS program.  Through my blog, I  plan on exploring new and controversial ideas, digging deeper into current issues, and sharing my experiences in and out of the classroom.  Although I don’t entirely agree with Mark Twain’s famous adage to make sure your schooling does not interfere with your education, I see enormous value in extra-curricular learning. I think travel is one of the best ways to learn more about the world and about yourself, and hope for it to play a large role in my university experience.

I’m new to blogging so please bear with me. I look forward to sharing my reflections and experiences with you, and welcome your feedback, comments, and questions!