Ethics and the Environment?

The discussions about climate change on our planet have
grown immensely over the past decade. Scientists concerns of global warming
have seem to hit home with everyone. Are ethics in business related to global
warming? Absolutely! Large corporations have the moral responsibility to ensure
they are practicing their businesses in as many environmentally friendly ways
as they can.  Consumers are mindful of
how products are built and their impact on the globe. The article discusses how
the Carbon Disclosure Project stated that large corporations are now sharing
their climate change plans and are implementing solutions to minimize their
carbon footprint. Data has shown that these companies are performing better on
the stock market. I believe we see this correlation because everyone wants to
reduce their carbon footprint and are more likely to buy from the ‘greener’
company. This is proven in the article when we read “Almost 60% of reported
actions to reduce emissions saw a payback of three years or less.” Businesses
models are changing because consumers want green products.  These models are working as many companies are
recovering the extra cost of going green in a relatively short time frame. It
seems as though going green is a win for all. Consumers feel confident in their
green choices and businesses are acting more ethical towards the environment
while still meeting their bottom line.

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