A Response to Chris Brogan’s Blob “That VIP Feeling”

Vip Picture

Business blogger, Chris Brogan recently blogged about a
roof-top party he attended. He commented on how he and many of the other guests
felt that the scenic roof top view, red velvet ropes, good food, and
entertaining DJ felt as if they were VIP’s. He explained how this VIP feeling
added to the experience of the party and concluded by challenging businesses to
consider how they invoke a VIP feeling into the community and what it would do
for their business. I believe Brogan could take it one step further and
consider how businesses could use the VIP feeling within their business to strengthen
their internal affairs. A company which has considered this is Zappos. This
online shoe company has ensured that its workforce has free food, great
benefits and a fun, engaging work place. Zappos human resource department has
made workers feel important which in turn leads to more production from their
workforce. I believe Zappos has gone about their interactions with employees in
the best possible way. Building a strong internal rapport with that VIP feeling
is critical for any business to be successful – Zappos is prime example of

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