Glass Failure

Google Glass.

I remember watching the official Google Glass promotion video on YouTube last year and being completely astounded by the technology that was featured in the product. If you asked me then, I would’ve been certain that the product would turn the tech market on its head and every tech savvy consumer would want to get their hands on their own pair of “smart glasses” as soon as possible. A year later, the promising “Google Glass” seems to be all but forgotten.

There has been much speculation regarding why the product hasn’t taken off in the market. Some experts say it’s because of the expensive price tag while others have blamed poor marketing. In my opinion, the $1500 price tag is not the issue especially considering an iPhone is priced at half that amount and consumers don’t even hesitate to grab the latest model. While Google hasn’t focused too much on advertising their newest product, the hype surrounding Google Glass was undeniable. So what’s holding it back?

Google Glass gives users an “augmented reality” experience similar to the one seen in Ironman.

Juniper Research predicts that Google Glass won’t “take off” until 2018. A bold prediction that seemed unjustified at first, but the more I think about Google Glass, the more it rings true. In class lectures, we learned that a crucial aspect of any product is how effectively it relieves a consumer pain. That’s where the product falls short. As the article says, the smart-glasses “lack a key consumer use case”. Sure Google Glass features a variety of new technology that may be exciting for a niche market of tech enthusiasts, it has little to no appeal to most consumers. Smartphones have the same functionality in a more convenient and practical package.

Perhaps in the future, Google Glass will make a breakthrough but in our world today, there is no place for Glass.

A great idea on paper, but lacks purpose in everyday life.

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