Week7: What Went Right

  • Equity(Last Week):  $45093.41 ;
  • Equity(This Week):  $50648.64.

So, I earned  $5555.23 this week. More specificly,I only earned money on corn,not on soybeans. What happened was I set sell-limit on soybeans(SF3) at 1570 and such price level was obviously triggered finally,while Tradesim failed to process my order.Then the price began to go down. Considering the big possibility that the price would be down furture, I had to offset my soybeans contracts using an market order,which was processed at the beginning of the next day’s outcry board at 1536, the exact same price at which I bought the contracts! So, I didn’t win or loss any thing on soybeans.

However, afterall, I made some money. And the main reason for that,I figure, would be my correct technical analysis. After reading the market commodities charts very carefully, I believed there would not be any big space for corn and soybeans to go down. I relied on technical analysis because I thought there was no very important market news to help me make the decision, since we’re in such kind of embarassing period: old crops have been harvested and new crops are still in planting stage.Another reason was that there was no influtial official reports to move the market.

But the situation will be totolly different in the next week. See “The Road Ahead” for more details.


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