Week8: What Went Wrong

My current equity is $66128.91. I gained $15480.27 this week.(66128.91- 50648.64=15480.27).

But,still,I’m very depressed, partly because it was Tradesim’s terrible system that made me so much money. However,the thing that troubles me most is that I feel I’m stuck in this trading game,even in this program. So, even if I’m “right”,I take it as “wrong”.

I don’t know if you have the same feeling with me. But I can tell you that my passion is fading. I can still remember how much I was into this trading game two month ago.But now, I feel no fresh any more.

Repeating myself is the last thing I want to do,especially when the things I’m repeating are meaningless.I’m not saying this game is meaningless. What I really want to express is that the way I’m handling this game is inapproprite.

Why do I think so? The initial objective of this game is to let us apply what we learned in class to the real world situation. But I find my trading game is getting more and more like an assignment(despite it’s acturally kind of an assignment ),which means I do it with less interest and all I try is to finish the blog writing. Here are reasons why I have painted myself into the corner:

1. Lack Objective

Yeah, I don’t have an objective. I spent a lot of time on the game,but don’t know if this game worth it.

2. Lack New things to learn

After trading for weeks, I found it getting harder and harder to find something new to learn from the game. I know there are still a lot I can benefit from keeping playing the game,but I’m just inside the box and don’t have a clue about where to find these new things.

3. Lack Time

Assignments and presentations are driving me crazy. I can obviously feel that the workload now is much heavier than that in the beginning of this semester. Usually, if you are busy, it means you are making the most of your time and, as a result, you are supposed to learn more. But sometimes, like now, I just feel tired and confused by the  endless work I have to do.My attention is distracted. So, I think, busyness is not helping me. It is detroying me.

4. Lack Approprite Research Methods

Every week, I read news, check market data, write blog and comment on classmates’ blog.A routine is formed. But my time is not actually evenly distributed: I spent a lot of time on writing blog while a little time on doing the others. I don’t think it’s a good way to learn.

5. Lack Passion

Passion fades.That’s part of the human nature. And I’m not an alien. I’ve been slacking off recently. It’s not good!

All in all, I know I must make changes. What am I going to do to rescue myself? Please see the next entry–Week8:The Road Ahead.



6 thoughts on “Week8: What Went Wrong

  1. Hi Mike I have same opinion with you. I just spend one or two days for blogging, so it is not easy gather information. For me next blog, I am going to combine technical analysis and news from aricle.
    You already have solution. I hope you get back your passion!

    • Thanks a lot, Elly! I really feel our class should spend more time exchange opinions on this game and our program. See you tomorrow. Fighting!

  2. Hello There! Before starting writing on my own blog, I think I’d better visit our program’s “Gameboy” Mike first:0. Because Unlike me, You always make great profits!!! Reading your blog is kind of a wake up call to me actually, your blog not only gives techniques of how to play this ongoing trading game, it also helps me review why we were put into this game in the first place. Passion is important as you said. And thanks to your encourage, we are all going to pay more attention in this! p.s. Having you in our group gives everyone positive externalities 🙂

    • HaHa~~Amelia, you are so sweet! Thank you for your courage. Let’s try to learn more from this game!And looking forward to working with you on our phase2 🙂

  3. Hey Mike,
    You’ve been doing great so far. I’ve been enjoying reading your blogs and learning a lot from reading yours as well as others. Appreciate your hard work. Thanks.

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