Week7: Cool Sources of Information

Hi! Another new source found this week:

Infoma economics: http://www.informaecon.com/

When I searched information on the web, the name of Infoma economics was often shown in the article. It seems to be a very influential private company. Market analysts often put much emphasis on the predictions that this firm made. So I decide to do a little research on it. Things below are what I found:

Informa Economics, Inc. (formerly known as Sparks Companies, Inc.) is a world leader in broad-based domestic and international agricultural and commodity/product market research, analysis, evaluation and consulting. The company was founded in 1977 and, in 2003, was acquired by Informa plc (“Informa”). Informa Economics, Inc. serves hundreds of firms, institutions and trade organizations worldwide.

Hope it’s helpful!



4 thoughts on “Week7: Cool Sources of Information

  1. Thanks for sharing the information. It’s really helpful. I saw the company’s name in the analysis article today. It’s good to know the company’s background in order to make sure that their forecast is reliability. In the article, the private crop forecaster, Informa Economics estimated the production figures for the corn crop in last week based on their researches. Their estimation is higher than the USDA’s October forecast because of the new crop information of this month. The USDA releases their crop reports in each month. It is hard to obtain the latest crop information from their reports. Informa Economics’ estimation report will give us some basic ideas about recent commodities crop.

  2. Hi Mike!

    Indeed, it is cool source of information, thanks for sharing!

    You are right by saying that Inform Ecomomics is very an influential company because today I was reading news and had encountered several times with its corn forecast. Because of its forecast of corn production which is relatively higher than USDA’s October estimation, the corn prices were down on Friday, some experts made such comments.
    Before I have known only about USDA and International Grains Council, and I am glad that you gave some background information on it.

    A great search and good luck on your plans for the next week!

    See you tomorrow!

    • Sorry for replying late! Indeed, We need do more research on predictions made by these private companies.

      Thanks for your comment Sana!

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