Week8: The Road Ahead

I believe you have read my problems in the first entry.Here are my solutions:

1. Set An Objective

My objective is to be a trader,part time or full time, in the real world.I’ll get my trading license and use some of my money to trade. I can’t do it now.But I will make it happen in the near future,because I have been spending so much time learning trading.I don’t want to learn something that I don’t know if I will use in my life. So, do things as a trader.

I believe this decision will give me enough incentives to learn more useful things in futures market.

2. Read More Others’ Blogs

To stop repeating myself, the best thing that can help is to read other people’s blogs more often, not just read one person’s blog once a week for reason of course requirement. I believe learn from my classmates will always be an effective and efficient way to learn.

3. Set Milestones for Learning

I believe in self-teaching.If I really want to be a trader in the future, I should try to find ways of teaching myself. I think setting milestone to each week is a great approach to learning.

4. Do Analysis Every Day

Search market information and do analysis every day. Don’t leave these work to the end of the week. A real trader will never toss the market aside for even one day.

5. Change Blog-Writing Pattern

To make most of the blog, I decide to change my writting pattern. Instead of continuing to list fundamentals,I will add more research findings in my blog. I hope my blog to be different from others’.

6. Something to Remember and Something to Forget

Always remember why I am here. This is the key to everything. Forget the rest.

For the other courses, I’ll try my best to balance the team work and my own stuff. Don’t fear. Just hold on to the key. With the key, I believe I can overcome any problem.




3 thoughts on “Week8: The Road Ahead

  1. It sounds like you’ve got a winning strategy here! I can see how in order to be a real world trader you can’t step away from the markets, even for a day. But if you’re smart about it and if you keep to your plan there are skills to learn and money to be made.

    Best of luck!

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