Week9: What I Did and What I Am Going To Do

I’m afraid I’ll let you down,Yijeong…Look what I did this week!

Equity Last Week: $66128.91

Current Equity: $33071.48

Change:  – $33057.43

But I’m not worried because I have learned some new things about trading this week. I think, as long as I keep making small progress every week , I’ll have a big improvement on my trading skills when this program is over.

Although Jim said we don’t need to write blogs for the rest of few weeks, still, I want to use this space as a platform to show what I did for each week and what I’m going to do for the week ahead. As I said before, since I already spent a lot of time on this game, I’m going to continue trading ,even in Term 2. I will still use Tradesim to practice my trading skills.

What I did last week? Briefly, I found a graet learning material from 501 assignment. It’s a booklet written by CBOT(http://www.gofutures.com/pdfs/TradinginFutures_intro.pdf), which provides a thorough introduction to speculating for those who have had only minimal exposure to the futures markets, including the parts of introducing the speculator, market mechanics and terminology, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and trading guidelines. I have already read the first 10 pages and found it quite helpful.

Next week, I’m going to finish the rest of this booklet!  Also, I want to read another article about technical analysis called Technical Analysis: Indicators And Oscillators.(http://www.investopedia.com/university/technical/techanalysis10.asp#axzz2CWdwOW7t) I found this from Roson’s blog.(https://blogs.ubc.ca/rosonluo/)

The last thing I’ve learned from this week’s trading:  The determination of cutting loss is important to a trader! Never dream that the situation will get better. So, strict disciplines must be made!

That’s it.



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