First Week Trade: Cool Sources of Information

I recommend Three websites for all of you.


This is a website powered by Farm Journal. A variety of daily agricultural news are posted on it. The best thing of this web ,I think, is you can find news of a certain commodity under its own catagory. After you choose a certain commodity, the web system will filter off news and comments of other commodities,solely showing you the information you want to see.


This website belongs to UBC library. The unique advantage of it is that you can find almost any theories and principles of Futures on it in details by just enter the key words and then click “search”.Many books are open to online reading!


Yes,it’s the Bible online-reading. A Christian recomended me the web, saying this version had a lot of footnotes that can help me understand some of the bible. I haven’t read it yet, but I definitely will.

I’ve hold an opinion for a long time:  Most of the time(like when you are in Futures or Stock market), being honest and refraining yourself is much more important than being too confident and trying to control the whole situation based on the limited information you have. Afterall,what you know is far less than what you don’t know. So, being humble and relax,let God works in his mysterious way.

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