The Genius of Movember

The Movember Foundation is an organization that promotes mens health through the growth of moustaches during the month of November. I’ve compiled couple points on why Movember is such an effective marketing campaign. (Note, “mo-sistas” can participate as well, I just chose to refer to all participants as male for simplicity’s sake.)

 1. It is very easy to participate. You don’t have to pin any ribbons on yourself or obtain relevant clothing to promote your cause. All one must do to raise awareness for Movember is to put down the razor for a month, and let your facial hairs flow.

 2. Every man is a mo-ving billboard. You are obligated to keep your facial hairs until the end of November. Therefore, you are wearing your “ad” front and center on your face at all times and exposing it to all person’s in your immediate surroundings.

3. It promotes conversation. It doesn’t matter if one’s moustache is barely visible or thick and curled to perfection. People will ask about it, especially if one doesn’t usually grow a moustache. A crack about how poorly one’s facial hair growth is can turn into

4. It costs nothing. The organization does not have to invest its precious funds purchasing wearable promotional materials, or spend unnecessary cash on distribution. Every man already has the ability to make one themselves.

 5. It brings meaning to a rather pointless traditionMen around the world have been growing out their facial hair in November for no reason other than to grow out their facial hair. By mo-tivating people to promote the Movember foundation, there is a sense of

fulfillment for “Mo-Bros/Mo-sistas”, as well as more awareness raised for the foundation.

So if you happen to come across a person with a moustache, a wispy excuse for a moustache, or a moustache drawn on the person’s upper lip with a sharpie, ask about it. Join the fight, or donate to a good cause.

If you would like to donate to my ‘stache, here is the URL:

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