The Decline of “Public” Social Media

Twitter was born as a seemingly revolutionary platform for individuals and brands to communicate. Based on the concept of “less is more”, the micro blogging site took the world by storm in 2008, becoming a new medium for self expression, and for marketing.
In recent years however, Twitter has begun to lose popularity amongst it’s consumers. It’s user base has been steadily dropping over the last couple years, and preferences have been shifting towards newer platforms such as Instagram or snapchat.
Here’s my personal take on why:
Although Twitter is an amazing tool for branding, and for brands to communicate with its customers and vice versa, it has also become extremely noisy. There are too many brands and marketers online trying to push content onto consumers, and that is causing consumers to shy away from the platform.
With such an overload of social platforms, consumers are now instead shying away from publicly sharing their important moments. Instead, consumers are opting for more private sharing systems. Because of this fact, word of mouth marketing and brand advocacy will be more important than ever for brands that are trying to reach their consumers in a mor impactful way.

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