My Thoughts: Marketing Assignment #3

I really enjoyed assignment 3. I will even go so far as to say that this assignment was my favourite project so far in my university career. The reason this assignment stood out amongst all the other assignments I have done so far in university is because it allowed me to showcase my knowledge of marketing, and allowed me to flex my creative muscle. It was absolutely awesome brainstorming ideas for the video. I wanted so badly to create something that was not a presentation for a change, and the flexibility of this assignment allowed my creativity to run wild. I remember becoming immersed in the creation of the script and brainstorming ideas to make our video funny and informative at the same time.

Each person was responsible for the composition of a scene based on one of the 4Ps of Lululemon. After that  was all done, I was more than happy to compile everything. Having done some scriptwriting as a high school student, it was extremely fun to make everything flow, make sure all required information was present, and insert a few jokes here and there just for kicks. The video editing process was enjoyable too. Though my team member Mark did most of it, it was enjoyable for us as a team to watch him do it on a screen in one of the CLC meeting rooms, suggest ideas to improve the video, and learn some technical skills as well. Now every time I watch our final product, I remember all the hard work and enjoyment associated with it. I’m pretty proud of what our group pulled off.

Our team was extremely cohesive throughout the whole process. Everyone put their best foot forward and contributed generally equally in the different areas we each excelled in. Filming went smoothly, and it was an extremely enjoyable process. I have heard that some other groups had some trouble with this project since they may have lacked scriptwriting/filming experience. Maybe I was just lucky that all members of our group shared the same vision! I just wish we had a minute or two more to allow us to include more of our jokes!

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