The Rise of the Buy Button

With consumers spending increasing amounts of time on social media, marketers are thinking of different ways to get people to buy stuff.
Last month, several big social media players, including Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube, announced that they will be testing ways to make it easier for users to shop, but adding a “buy button” to social media content.
As a person that often buy things online, I think that this new addition will definitely benefit today’s increasingly time constrained consumers. The main social-media-buy-buttons-300x270reason individuals would use e-commerce would be for two reasons: either to find the best deals online, or increase convenience. Often, online businesses, who do not have to deal with a brick and mortar storefront, are able to provide items at a discount. Because of that, many consumers are now looking online to find ways to save money. Second of all, convenience is a major factor. If a business is able to efficiently offer goods to customers that would save them time, for a reasonable price, they would be willing to pay a little extra, since it save them time, which they can direct to other initiatives in life.
It will be interesting to see how e-commerce grows in the next couple years. Giants like Alibaba are already emerging, and I really think that in a matter of time, brick and mortar stores will be overshadowed by e-commerce sales.

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