Unit Two Reflection

Unit Two consisted of challenging, but practical assignments which includes: creating a formal report and proposal and creating a professional LinkedIn profile. The new approved formal report of my “Formal Report” assignment is attached below, along with a link to the peer review of the original Formal Report.

Formal Report & Proposal Writing
For my original formal report, I chose to propose a solution for the lack of returned staxi chairs at the Vancouver General Hospital, which would be relevant and valuable to patients, family members, volunteers and healthcare workers. This proposal aimed to organize a fundraiser to place GPS trackers on Staxi chairs to make it easier to locate in a large hospital, however, later knowledge shed light that due to the cement make-up of the building, Wi-Fi does not reach certain areas of the hospital, and thus the proposal would not be feasible.

I then suggested two new proposals that have been my previous “food for thought”, however, they were not reasonable. During the time I pondered over the next possible proposal idea, the “birds falling from the sky” event the due to the wildfire a few weeks ago inspired me to address a significant issue with regards to migratory birds. Although I am not an expert on birds, I am passionate about animal conservation and decided on three major threats faced by migratory birds: Wildfires, Light Pollution, and Urban Development. I realized there are solutions available to diminish these effects, however, they are not being implemented because individuals do not understand the severity that human activity poses towards migratory birds, which makes a campaign to target iNaturalist app users as a potential route to inspire growth in the bird lover community and thus create movement.

Peer Review: Formal Report
In peer reviewing my partner’s proposal, I find it to be well done and well thought out to address the direct effects of the current pandemic. It addresses the well-being of individuals adjusting to the new work environment, as well as for new hires who may find it challenging with the absence of a sense of community. This peer review process shed light on an area of the community I am unfamiliar with and I am able to apply any suggestions I make to my own proposal as well. 

LinkedIn Profile
The LinkedIn Profile took some effort because I am not comfortable with putting my photo on social media, in addition, I do not take many photos of myself, so I was concerned that the few photos I have of me in my phone may not be “professional”. However, researching tips to creating a good LinkedIn profile has given me insight to what employers look for, which furthers my understanding in the purpose of “writing for a targeted audience”. The most challenging aspect was the short summary as I need to capture the reader’s attention and communicate who I am in a limited word count. This assignment has also introduced me to job hunting on a professional social media platform.

Peer Review: LinkedIn Profile
The peer review process for my partner’s LinkedIn Profile gave me insight to what a great profile can look like, and although I did not have more suggestions to contribute other than what was done well, I was able to see how another individual might implement the tips that were researched to create a good LinkedIn Profile.

The comments received from my partner offered insight to how I should consider my audience when listing an accomplishment in a different language. I also realized that a LinkedIn profile would not allow me to tailor the contents to every potential employer, therefore, although the profession I intend to pursue depends more on real life connections in a clinical setting, I will put these suggestions into consideration in the future.

What I learned 
Unit Two emphasized the importance of writing to my audience, and the difficulty in trying to maintain that focus on the specified audience. The process of creating a new formal report proposal also led me think more carefully of certain approaches before communicating them to a specific audience. Overall, I appreciated the process of peer reviewing and receiving feedback on my assignments as it shows me where and how I can improve for future assignments. 


301 Mila Tung New Formal Report Proposal

Jen Deluz’s Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal

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