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Everyday speech and academic writing differs from an online, professional setting. With technology taking over, the ability to have proper communication online has become essential. 

ENGL 301, taught by Dr. Erika Paterson, is a three credit online course at UBC that teaches professional, online writing skills. This course is offered to students from all fields of academia who wish to learn specific writing skills required for professional or business-wise emails, document analysis, resume building, etc.  The main goal of the course is for students to practice different formats of professional writing online either independently, with the instructor, or collaboratively in a group.

This course is split into four units:

Unit 1: Technical Writing and Principles specific to Different Audiences

Unit 2: Report Proposal, LinkedIn Profile and Resume Building (continues to end of term)

Unit 3: Formal Outline to Report Draft, and Job Application

Unit 4: Final Formal Report and Networking strategies

Mark distribution will be based on 3 major assignments which target the learning objective of each unit: 1) a Formal Report , 2) a Job Application for any position, 3) A LinkedIn profile, and a Web Folio which presents students’ resume will serve in place of a final exam. Other assignments such as peer reviews and self-reflections will also contribute to the learning process of writing professionally. 

My Expectations:

Communication, especially in a professional setting is a skill set that I would like to improve on. In this course, I hope I will learn how to use effective and professional communication skills when writing emails and reports as well as apply what I learn when I enter the work field.

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