How Will Facebook Sustain the Interest of Their Users?

Facebook is the world’s most renowned social networking website, but will it always be? Facebook is constantly seeking ways to contain their consumers interest and it does this by creating new features and by updating the profile layout. Facebook’s product manager, Naomi Gleit, has a key goal to eliminate barriers preventing people from joining Facebook. She says that the company is trying to expand so that people from anywhere in the world can have access to join Facebook and so there will be no reason for anyone not to join the social networking site. Gleit believes that Facebook’s next billions of people are going to come through mobile. She assisted the company in buying out Snaptu, which designs software to make accessibility easier for people who use Facebook on their mobile phone. Essentially, Facebook’s primary goal is to make the website available to everyone and to make it efficient and easy to use.

Gleit uses strategic marketing to sustain the interest of Facebook’s users and to gain more users.Eliminating any barriers preventing people from joining the social networking site is a great goal because it will not be too difficult to bring down these barriers. For users who do not own a Facebook account, it is usually because they do not have access to the site or they are concerned with the privacy policies. Facebook is constantly trying to adjust their privacy settings so that all users’ information remains confidential and it is not released to any third parties. As to giving access to Facebook for those who don’t have access, by implementing Facebook applications onto mobile phones will increase the amount of users. Facebook already has 800 million users and it is very possible for the corporation to gain more millions through strategic marketing.

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