Is it ever Ok to be Unethical?

Recently, Bank of America settled litigation that had claimed the bank was guilty of deceiving investors of Merrill Lynch. The bank settled the litigation by paying $2.43 billion to alleviate one of its heaviest burdens from the financial crisis in 2008. Back in 2008, John Thain, the chief executive of Merrill Lynch, and Ken Lewis, the head of Bank of America, impulsively merged their firms because the banks were in critical condition and to save them from having a downfall. Both firms suffered significantly and ended up losing billions of dollars. Mr. Thain and Mr. Lewis were both fired at for failing to sustain their firms during the financial crisis, for lying, and for cheating, leading to lawsuits. Should people with power in firms be able to take advantage of their power by lying or cheating to improve their company? Unfortunately some managers or executives of companies commit unethical actions to save or improve their company, but as shown with Thain and Lewis’ mistake, their actions backfired at them.

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