Product Quality Over Price and Convenience?



Who would think that an airline that offers fantastic entertainment, comfort, and quality flights would be at the bottom of the airlines list for making money? Virgin America Airlines is known for its great service and entertainment proven by being voted at the top of the “best airline” lists (Tuttle). Virgin America has won several travel awards in the past years for having the best in-flight entertainment, best cabin staff, best cabin ambience, best overall passenger experience and so on, so wouldn’t it be logical to think that Virgin America is making the most money? Instead the airline is not making money they need and by the year of 2013 the company will cut back on flights and dismiss some employees.

One of the primary issues with Virgin America Airlines is that their main customers are business travellers and they hardly attract any leisure travellers. Leisure travellers usually want the most cheap and convenient flight rather than an extra nice in-flight experience although most flights aren’t necessarily fun or relaxing for anyone. Also its business travellers always have the option to go to first class or business class for a perhaps cheaper price on any other airline, so why should they choose Virgin America? The airline tries to attract travellers for the overall quality of the in-flight experience, but not many people find that any flight experience is great, so why should they pay the extra money? It is questionable as to whether or not Virgin America Airlines will improve or become more profitable, but first they should change their strategies because they are not attracting the travellers they need to.




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