The Roots of our Home

I really enjoyed reading through many of the assignments to find the shared assumptions, values and stories between all of us when describing our sense of home. My story is divided by past, present, and future as well as my memories associated with those times and my family. I will be describing the top three similarities in this blog post that I found amongst our classmates on this blog post.


Ethnicity vs. Place of Residence

  • This has been a topic shared amongst lots of us. Most of us weren’t born and raised in the same country and stayed here until we grew into adults. Instead, many of us followed the jobs of our parents and stayed by their sides until we made our way here to Vancouver. Our ethnic backgrounds may have often clashed as the cultures and traditions we practice at home were different from those around us. By moving from place to place, it was often difficult to find where we truly belong to because every time we settled in, it did seem like it would be our true home. However, people would point out the differences between us and this set us apart again.


Traditions and Memories

  • Another similarity between all of us is our traditional practices in religion and family heritage. Whether it comes down to gathering every week to go to church or sharing meals and joy with your family, all these allow us to create memories that will come back to us when we look back at our dinner table, or when we pass a Sunday evening. Some memories are stronger than others which will reinforce the idea of our homes and reminisce our past.


Nature vs. Architecture

  • Nature often brings us together as well. The beautiful mountains of British Columbia and the peaceful ocean view encompasses our senses and feeling of belonging. When moving from one place to another, we look out the window and immediately feel a twist of emotion. It may be disappointment or peace. Some prefer places like the busy streets of New York while others prefer somewhere quiet with breathtaking landscapes. All these emotions associated with nature and architecture make us feel comfortable and at ease.





Chalhotra, Simran. “Blog #4: Home Is Where My Heart Is.” Simran’s ENGL 470 Blog! Accessed on February 12, 2019.

Ensor, Tamara. “2.2 Home…………..Canadian Lit Eh. Accessed on February 13, 2019.


Gans, Sandra. “Home? – Assignment 2:2UNEVEN STORY TELLING IN CANADA. Accessed on February 14, 2019.


Hatch, Kevin. “HOME IS WHERE YOUR RUMP RESTSENGL 470 99C BLOG. Accessed on February 16, 2019.


Truhar, Dana. “Assignment 2:2 – My Home Story.” Dana’s CanLit Blog. Accessed on February 3, 2019.


Zhang, Anna. “Assignment 2:2 – Home.” Understanding Canada – Canadian Literature 470. Accessed on February 3, 2019.





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