Min Soo Yoo's Blog

Coke and CANCER?

February 24th, 2011 · No Comments

I am totally in love with Coca Cola and not in favor of Pepsi. I always thought Pepsi is too sweet and Coke is the best. Coke is in my refrigerator almost 24/7. So during the weekend, I was chilling at my house as usual, surfing the internet. As I skim through the internet news…… I saw COKE CAUSING CANCER! I clicked on it to read full text. When I finished reading, I slowly stared at the cup of Coke I was holding. Then I thought ‘okay…… this is the last cup of Coke I will ever have in my life…….’ So I drank whole thing and stopped drinking since then because I want to live long.

I had a long day on last Tuesday. I was tired, hungry and grumpy. I went to the store and before I realize I was naturally standing in front of COKE section. Then it reminded me of habitual decision making in marketing. Purchasing a coke did not even require a thought. Unconsciously, I was automatically in front of Coke thinking I need a Coke. Then, I also thought how I was being so loyal to Coca Cola. I did not even consider alternative brands or other alternative drinks but just needed Coke to relieve. Then, I understood why companies are trying hard to retain their loyal customers.   

In the end, I did not buy Coke. But indeed, I was standing in front of it for five minutes to whether I should buy it or not.

Just an update now, Coke is getting sued for having a cancer causing chemicals.


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