Advertisement for Audi A8


Video: Advertisement for Audi A8

In the advertisement for Audi A8, actors break down the old luxury prison, getting into a new life. Audi A8 cars are new style luxury cars, differentiating itself from the old luxury style. The symbol of Audi A8 should be creative and freedom. Consumers are able to get a visual impact in the advertisement that if they get an Audi A8 car, they can get rid of the depressing and bounded life and indulge in an exciting and footloose life, which is targeting to consumer affective attitude. The advertisement of Audi A8 also tries to shape consumers behavior through influencing consumers learning which is one of psychological factors. People who have lived in a cool and disengaged lifestyle need an Audi A8.

In term of demographic, psychographic and benefit segmentation variables, Audi A8 focuses on elites with high-level income who love or want to live in a cool and free lifestyle.

People with high-level income are able to afford a luxury car. To differentiate Audi A8 from other luxury cars, Audi Company offer Audi A8 a slogan of innovation, excitement and freedom. Therefore, positioning statement should be for people in a well off lives, Audi A8 is a luxury car which provides an innovated, excited and footloose lifestyle, unlike Rolls-Royce which provides an old lordly luxury lifestyle.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning of Samsung Galaxy


Video:Samsung Galaxy Gear: A Long Time Coming

We can come up with a better idea what the segmentation, targeting and positioning of Samsung Galaxy Gear are based on this advertisement.

In term of segmentation, there are hardly no geographic base and demographic. People from different areas in diverse situations are able to enjoy a Samsung Galaxy Gear, thus at least substantial  segmentation attraction that the purchase power is big enough has been guaranteed. Influenced by psychographic variables, people believe Samsung Galaxy Gear had experienced a long and honor history and improve continuously, and thousands of millions of customers are using it. Hence the public feel that Samsung Galaxy Gear is a trustworthy product. Specific to behavioural base, people learn to use Samsung Galaxy Gear as a multi-fouctional  product, such as time displayer, whether report, notebook, phone call e.t.c. . With this effective but light product, people go more smoothly and save time. Samsung Galaxy tends to reshape customers behavioral to create a new modern lifestyle relying on its Gear Product.

Samsung Galaxy is targeting to people who are enjoying with a rapid pace of life, but able to fit in a modern hi-technic lifestyle.

Positioning statement. Samsung Galaxy Gear is a light but multi-founctional product that provides various daily service to make ours life easy but more effective.