Comm296 Marketing Plan Assignments

Having worked with various groups and organizations before, we all understand how critical it is to have a  functioning group dynamic and connection with team members to create a team that function well. At the first meeting, we barely mentioned the assignments, and we talked about hobbies, extra-class activities, personal information, and exchanged cell phone number and e-mail with each other. As a result, we were able to know more about each other and functioned as a connected team.

The whole marketing plan assignment was broken into three small assignments. In order to run on the roll, every time our group started a small assignment we would have a two-hour meeting. We captured an overall idea on the meeting to figure out the tasks needed to be done, and split the tasks to different people. After the meeting, our group is working on the same google Doc., so every one can catch up with each other. We also communicate via FaceBook page off meeting time in case anyone asks for a help. If it is necessary, our team would hold up another meeting before handing in assignment to keep every thing on the track. With the framework we set up, our group work effectively.

The last assignment ask for a video instead of a traditional presentation, which is more complicated. Before we actually filmed the video, my team spent a lot of time on discussion and we got lost for a time.  At the end, we decided to apply black and white as our main color for our video, so the video would be artistic. At the same time, we inserted prezi into the video to make sure its profession. Hence, our video is combination of art and profession and we all are satisfied with it.

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