Apple Didn’t Take Responsibility For Labour Abuse

After the scandal of worker abuse in Foxconn factories, which assemble technical products for Apple, Apple should have paid enough attention to investigate the issue and conducted immediate measures to protect the worker’s rights. However, in less than one year, the same problem raised public indignation again illustrating that Apple did not take its responsibility seriously. As a responsible company, Apple is obligated to protect the rights of all the workers, who do the most basic jobs in manufacturing, the same as engineers and managers. After the Foxconn issue, Apple promised to improve the working conditions. Surprisingly, the abuse of workers including underage labour, contract violations and excessive working hours became even severe than Foxconn. As a global firm, Apple did not show the appropriate attitude and impose effective conductions it should have done to deal with this crisis. The brand’s healthy image is largely damaged. In my opinion, Apple’s feeble reactions to the problem were not only due to Apple’s lack of caring about human rights but also due to the huge amount of compensation and the rapid increase of expenditure of wages in the future. These concerns deterred Apple from taking effective measures to protect workers’ rights.

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