Self-employed Vloggers

“Vlog” is term referred to the video blogs. People who upload videos on blogs can be called “vloggers”. There are many bloggers famous on Youtube. They mainly produce their own videos about making up, comedies or talk show. They have thousands of followers on internet and earn income from advertising products in their videos. They are self-employed and work on their laptops day and night.

Yes, they earn a fortune but their career is more stressful than being employed by other companies. Two major issue that they always worry about is how to embody advertisement in videos seamlessly and how to inspire their ideas, which are key factors of attracting followers. For the first issue, blogger should be very careful about their use of words and avoid making the advertising too obvious.

For the second issue, vloggers need to communicate with their followers regularly and listen to their suggestion for improvement. They might also need to view other flogger’s video and compare theirs with competitors and adjust the content of their videos according to the trends. When the vloggers become more famous, they should build up their own brands. They also need a team to do a better! Specialization will improve the quality of videos and reduce the pressure of the vloggers, which allows everyone to concentrate on their own work and ensure a steady flow of ideas. Although it reduces the income for the vloggers, it enables them to enjoy a better quality of life and to strengthen the brands they created.


Harvey, Declan. BBC News. BBC, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>.


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