Finding Out: Part I


Following the winter break, we are now re-focusing in on our Inquiry Project. In order to guide our learning, we are working within “Inquiry Teams” as way to support, challenge, and reflect on our progress. When we meet each week, we will be summarizing where we’re at, providing feedback, setting some new goals for the following week, and have a rotating team leader in order to help facilitate discussion. As other deadlines loom, this is particularly helpful as it helps us stay focused by providing accountability – so i’m intrigued to see how the next few weeks progress.


We are using Kath Murdoch’s Inquiry Cycle as a way to guide us through the next few months. At this point, after spending Term 1 Framing the Inquiry and Tuning In, it is time to move onto the Finding Out and Sorting Out phases. Where am I going with my learning? What new ideas are emerging?

The next step will be to re-read over the articles I have sources so far as part of my Inquiry Proposal, in order to identify a clear direction in my learning, before Going Further to source additional resources that may be helpful. In the next few weeks, I will be working on reviewing books, journal articles, Ted Talks, blog posts, and maybe even seeing if Twitter can help me out! For me, the final aim is Taking Action, and producing some practical guidance for my fellow teacher candidates to take with them as they embark on their career. Thus, keeping this in mind as I begin my research will help me stay on task!

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