Finding Out: Part II


IMG_-cl42roWithin our learning teams, we are continuing on our “Finding Out” journey. Since last week, we have made some progress, although it is difficult with so many final deadlines for other courses taking priority. The nice part though, is that everyone is so passionate about their inquiry topic, so it is easy to jump straight back into it. This week, I have taken some small steps in listening to some TedTalks and taking out some books from the library. We also reached out by email to some inquiry and assessment experts in local school districts. I even sent out a Tweet (#resiliencechat) to see if the Twitter World has any words of wisdom for me. As I start to make my way through my many resources, my plan is to create a mind map over the next week in order to identify common themes and organize my thoughts. We have been using these frequently in our methods courses for unit planning, and i’ve found it particularly helpful in visualizing concepts and developing direction in projects.

“Failure was an AWESOME experience” (Cordell Steiner)

Check out this TedTalk from this little superstar, on what classrooms should look like.

Until next time…