As it approaches the end of my long practicum, I am sad that I’d have to say goodbye to the students soon. Due to the lack of experience in Canadian primary school, I have experienced quite many new things during the last 10 weeks. This 10 weeks experience provided me with a more comprehensive insight into the teaching field and truly helped me to know myself better. I recognize that the biggest challenge for me is to continuously have the courage to face my own challenges and keep working on them with a positive attitude. When I feel stuck or frustrated, it takes time and strength to keep going and overcome. One of the takeaways from the process is that it takes time for both of my students and me to learn and have improvements. As much as it is very frustrating to see people around you doing better than you are, we need to learn to accept ourselves and compare ourselves with no one else expect our own past. I have to truly accept that myself before I can deliver the message to my students. With that said, it is important to work collaboratively with others to help each other reflect, feel confident, and become better.
I am always afraid of doing read-aloud especially when I am not familiar with the book from the beginning. The fear of having words that I do not know how to pronounce constantly stops me from enjoying the activity. I have taken on a new chapter book for read-aloud during the last couple weeks. It was a unique experience for me to learn along the students and to have the students help me with some of the words. Having a student saying to me “It is Ok Miss. Lu because English isn’t your first language either”, and helping me admit to the students that I am still learning from them and also with them. I would be so worried that my English level would disqualify me from being a teacher, but now I see that there are more aspects to it.
It feels nice to sit back and observe someone else’s lesson again during the last week. It provides me with a different insight into the classroom. This time, I had a better understanding of the classroom and teaching, and I knew the students much better than before. I am still learning new things from observing others, and I can’t wait to try these things myself in the near future.