Blackberry on the Road to Recovery?

As is well known, Blackberry has been on the decline for the last couple of years. The reasons for which are not certain, but there is strong emphasis on their inability to keep up with the innovation of it’s competition. However, just as the IPhone 6 was being released, Blackberry chose to fight back. As it released it’s newest phone, the Passport, it’s steady decline in revenue stopped.

Blackberry’s decision to implement a new strategy may have been their saving grace. Taking on a low cost focus strategy, as apposed to trying to out-innovate it’s competition seem’s to be working. At the same time their design is differentiating them from their competition. Blackberry is the last smartphone with a keyboard, which may seem worthless, but there is certainly a niche market for that alone. With blackberry’s ability to bounce back at this crucial time, it’s important for them to continue to strategize, and re-strategize. The market is constantly changing, and Blackberry, after failing to do so in the past, must stay one step ahead.

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