Shomi: Is It a Netflix Killer?

Shaw and Rogers have come together to compete against netflix with their new online streaming service, Shomi. They have put together a collection similar to Netflix for $8.99 a month, in hopes of finding a way to stop Netflix’s dominance in this industry. They claim to have a better interface, better programs and overall a better product.

I found this strategy fairly weak. My first impression was simply “what’s the difference?“, that is between Shomi and Netflix. Netflix already dominates this market, and currently have a solid hold on the “top of the ladder”. Shomi is not a disruptive innovation by any means, with a higher price and similar content; pushing Netflix off the top might be a bit of a far fetched dream. Shomi claims to have better content, which is a personal opinion for each user. Sure, Netflix will lose costumers as they will no longer monopolize the market for online streaming, but I struggle to believe that Shomi will overtake Netflix; especially not within the first few years of it’s existence.

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