Labour Ethics

In Paul Lam’s last blog he questioned the ethics of Apple when it comes to Foxconn, the company that makes their products. Violations of the legal work hours, child labour, and human rights have all been at the forefront of this scandal. I found it very interesting that Apple has finally been called out for such crimes; but more than anything that so many other companies still get away with it. Child labour, human right’s violations and overall unethical behaviour lie within an uncountable number of companies that somehow manage not to get caught. The only way for many companies to optimize profit is to use these unethical, inhumane practices; and many still believe that money is more important than ethics.


Companies such Nike have been accused of this, but with varying laws in different countries and being limited by jurisdiction, it is very hard to prosecute. There is no saying how many companies use unethical business decisions to reduce costs, but I’m sure the number would be staggering. I believe it’s time for governments to intervene and crack down on this issue, and put an end to the exploitation of those who are less fortunate.

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