Hello readers!
This last week in ASTU we began to read Mohsin Hamid’s novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist. This novel compared to others we read regarding post 9/11 is different since it shows the point of view of a foreign character. This character is Changez who is a Pakistani man that completed his studies at Princeton University and joined the firm of Underwood Samson. During the novel he narrates the different events that took place in his life. From falling in love with an American girl called Erica to his job in Chile. However, he decided to not complete his assignment causing him to lose his job and decides to go back home.

What I found interesting when it comes to this novel is how it talks about how 9/11 influenced how people began to take into consideration race. In the novel Changez feels that racism increased and that people began to notice him more. Also it was shocking how his colleagues reacted towards him when he began to wear a beard. People began to whisper and stare at him since they began to look at him as suspicious.

From my point of view I do not see this novel as anti-american, instead I see it as one that presents America from a different stand. In this scenario Changez is a man who was not born or raised in an American culture. However after 9/11 he was able to realize all of the changes that took place in America and came to the conclusion that he felt more identified with his own culture. Obviously there are some sections during the novel that demonstrates his own point of view regarding America, however I think he is passing through a moment of frustration since he has to adapt to a different environment and culture.

What is your point of view when it comes to whether or not The Reluctant Fundamentalist is American or Anti-American?

Thank you for reading!