Hello readers!

I can’t believe that first year is almost over and we are writting our last ASTU blog. During this chance I would like to highlight one of my favorite assignment this year which was the paper due at the end of first term. We had to choose a text and analyze characteristics from the novel that we had to identify. I remember I choosed the novel Safe Area Gorazde and decided to analyze how the use of black and white represents the trauma of the victims during the Bosnian War. This assignment was one of my favorites because I actually applied concepts that I learned in ASTU such as: state of knowledge, knowledge deficit, argunment,etc. I was not used to write this type of papers, however thanks to this class I will be able to write good research papers for future courses.

This assignment also helped me to know how to peer review papers. This exercise taught me to identify the concepts mentioned above in other people’s work. It also helped me to be able to give feedback to my classmates.Also since now I know how to identify the concepts it helps me to have a better understanding of a scholarly article and what it wants to convey to the reader.

Other of my favorite aspects of ASTU was that we were able to connect novels to the theme of global citizens. While we analyzed the literature traits of a novel at the same type we discussed events that had an impact on human history. Specially it was interesting how the concepts of memory and trauma have a relationship with the novels we read. All of them at some point had a connection because they focus on how victims reacted towards traumatic events.

What was your highlight of the year?

Good luck on finals and have a great summer!!

Maria Zegarra