Attention conference delegates: if you have taken photos of the m-Libraries 2009 Conference, please do send them (or links) to Allan Cho, Photos will be posted to the m-Libraries 2009 Conference website.
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m-Libraries Photos
June 23rd, 2009 · No Comments
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The Tweeting has begun!
June 23rd, 2009 · No Comments
Thanks to the plethora of mobile devices that are inherent at a gathering such as this, there has already been a virtual outpouring of discussion on this morning’s keynote Lorcan Dempsey and continuing into the Plenary talks (on now!). I’m sure will only continue as we get farther into the sessions today and tomorrow!
You don’t even have to be on Twitter to check it out! Just tune your browser to to take a look! Happy tweeting!
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Venue for m-Libraries 2009 Conference in Vancouver, BC
June 22nd, 2009 · 1 Comment
The m-Libraries 2009 Conference takes place in the new Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. IKBLC is facility dedicated to the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic development of people in British Columbia. By providing and enhancing access to information, knowledge, and innovative teaching through the support of learning and research on an interactive basis with people in British Columbia and throughout the world, the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre provides the opportunity for future generations to be at the forefront of learning.
Constructed around the core of the Main Library of The University of British Columbia, the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre demonstrates the fundamental relationship between the heritage of the past and the potential of the future. The Learning Centre will be a visual icon for a learning environment that provides the tools and support to turn information and data into knowledge, understanding, and solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s worlds.
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Can’t get enough mobile libraries?
June 20th, 2009 · No Comments
If after the conference in Vancouver you’re just dying with new ideas that you’d like to share, it looks like there will be a great outlet for you. On July 30th, 2009, there will be the inaugural Handheld Library Online Conference! From the About page:
The first ever Handheld Librarian Online on July 30, 2009 is the place to learn about these and other topics related to using wireless and hand held devices in your library. The program, sponsored by Alliance Library System, LearningTimes and Infoquest, will include a variety of ways to collaborate, network and learn from a great group of experts in the field. In addition to live interactive webcasts, we will have a collection of available resources, discussions boards, and access to the recording of all live events for one year after the conference.
What better way to share some ideas and learn a little more about the mobile web and m-libraries? And the best part? The whole thing is online!
[via Handheld Librarian and Peter Scott]
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