FIPR 235

Just another UBC Blogs site


Good Morning

The Writer

Be Stupid

For the revised and remade assignment I chose to take my favorite advertising campaign and retake the photos, while keeping the “Stupid” philosophy.

The campaign, launched by diesel jeans encourages the viewer to “be stupid” which means reckless and creative.


The Stupid Philosophy:

A Monument to Past Failure, Moving to Future Success

UBC's very own Center for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) is a groundbreaking building in terms of it's sustainability and efficiency. In its standing as one of the world's most sustainable buildings CIRS has zero carbon emissions, a positive energy balance and uses only rain water to supply its facilities.

The King’s Sleep

This is the room that King George VI stayed in during his first and only tour to Canada with Queen Elizabeth in 1939. This was the first time that a reigning monarch had visited Canada


This is a photo of the photography gallery in the Banff Springs, where Banff's most significant historical events have been captured and displayed in a uniform way. I thought it was interesting that despite these events being very different and showing the progression of Banff through time the photos are all displayed the same, giving them a singular meaning.

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