


February 2025

Archive for the 'Science and society' Category

One Hour @ UBC

Friday, April 10th, 2020

To support our community during the pandemic, I was asked to give a free interactive lecture on online learning and homeschooling. I will be doing it on April 23, 2020. It will be an interactive seminar where I will show the community how they can use existing online resources to support their children. Please notice, […]

Learning with Your Children in the Times of Quarantine

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

I dedicate this post to my parents Marina Bolotina and Mikhail Goykhman who taught me how to learn by example. Dear friends: This is a somewhat unusual post and I will keep updating it as the time goes. I decided to share with you some ideas about what you might be able to do with […]

Educational Technologies in the Era of Pandemics: 10 easy lessons from an online educator

Monday, March 16th, 2020

When I started teaching at UBC more than 10 years ago, I was asked to teach an online course to graduate students in our Masters in Education course. The course was focused on mathematics and science teaching. It was a challenge as I had never taught online before. I was also unfamiliar with the platform […]

Decision Making in Action: 2020 UBC Physics Olympics

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

A few thoughts on a current situation and how our reaction to the health crisis can help find the solution… As we are witnessing an unprecedented spread of the Coronavirus around the world, it is very easy to get into a panic state. The situation is exacerbated by the social media and the avalanche of […]

STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era

Friday, February 28th, 2020

I am very excited to see our edited book coming out this fall!  Two years ago we organized a collaborative workshop at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. We came together to discuss the changing field of STEM education and how digital technologies shape and affect it. This workshop was supported by a grant […]

STEM Outcomes of Second-Generation Students

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

I am very proud to share with you that our new paper has been published. This is a collaboration between Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin, Sabina Lissitsa and myself: Chachashvili-Bolotin, S., Lissitsa, S., & Milner-Bolotin, M. (2019). STEM outcomes of second-generation immigrant students with high-skilled parental backgrounds. International Journal of Science Education, 20. doi:10.1080/09500693.2019.1686549

GIREP Newsletter (European Physics Education Group)

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

While we naturally focus on the science and physics education communities in North America, there is a log going on in the field in Europe, Australia, Asia and South America. Last summer I was lucky to participate in GIREP 2019 Conference in Budapest. And today I got a Newsletter published by our Australian colleagues. The […]

UBC Tec Expo 2019

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Once again my team and I participated in the UBC Faculty of Education annual TEC Expo – this is an opportunity to share how innovative technologies can be used to make our teaching more engaging, meaningful and impactful. This year Ryan Lin and Jenny Zhu have helped to discuss our project – the AR and […]

GIRLS and STEAM Symposium and Showcase

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

I was invited to contribute to the Girls and STEAM Symposium and Showcase that will take place on Saturday, November 1st at TELUS World of Science. My colleague Wes Wong is one of the organizers. I am glad I can contribute to this event as a mentor and as a volunteer. More than 150 grade […]

Celebrating Math and Science at UBC Faculty of Education

Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Yesterday, on October 19th, 2019 we hosted our 9th Family Math and Science Day. We had more than 600 guests and almost 150 volunteers. We started this event in 2010 and we were not sure how many people would be on board. I was lucky that my colleague – a math educator Dr. Cynthia Nicol […]

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