Founder and CEO

Colin Kam is the founder and CEO of MobileCMS. He created this product using the FEBE philosophy: for educators, by educators. As such, the product is designed such that it is practical in the classroom while being pedagogically and didactically sound.

Colin has nearly 10 years of teaching experience in both the public and private sectors. He has taught mathematics, business education, and information technology. Colin has made the transition from teaching in traditional classrooms to computer labs but not without some challenges along the way. These challenges are not unique to him, as he has witnessed other teachers–new and veteran ones–having similar difficulties with classroom management when working with computers and mobile devices. His experiences has inspired him to create a classroom management suite–MobileCMS.

Prior to teaching, Colin studied mathematics, statistics, and computer science at the University of British Columbia. He remains proficient in Python, C++, and Java programming languages.