Author Archives: mgleason

Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies article “History of Childhood in Canada” has just gone live!

Authored with my colleague, Tamara Myers, our Oxford Bibliography entry for the history of children in the Canadian context is available at We are delighted to contribute to this important resource in the field and to be able to highlight … Continue reading

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The Problem(s) with Adult Constructions of Children’s Vulnerability – Lessons for the History of Sexuality and Sexual Health

I’ve published a new article in the March 2017 issue of the Canadian Historical Review  ( that employs the concept of “social age” to interrogate adult constructions of children’s vulnerability, particular in the realm of sexuality and sexual health. Historically, … Continue reading

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Bringing Children and Youth into Canadian History – New Book Published!

I am happy to announce that Bringing Children and Youth in Canadian History: The Difference Kids Make (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2017) has just been published. Co-edited with my colleague Tamara Myers, the book is a collection of readings particularly … Continue reading

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Keynote Address at the 38th International Standing Committee on the History of Education, Chicago, August 17 – 20th, 2016

Next week, I travel to Chicago to join my history of education colleagues around the world at the 38th ISCHE conference. This marks a unique opportunity for historians of education from around the world to come together to present their … Continue reading

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Forthcoming Article: “Avoiding the Agency Trap…..”

My latest article entitled  “Avoiding the Agency Trap: Caveats for Historians of Children, Youth, and Education,” will appear in a special issue of History of Education in the next few months. The issue focuses “Marginalized Children and Vulnerable Histories” and … Continue reading

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Spencer Foundation Grant and New Research Project

I’m delighted to be a recipient of a Spencer Foundation Grant for my latest research project entitled Families without Schools: Rurality and the Promise of Schooling in Western Canada, 1920s to 1960s. The project re-visits the family letters of the … Continue reading

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New Publication

My co-authored article with Claudia Diaz-Diaz is now available and we are pleased that this Hampton Grant-supported research is circulating! Claudia Diaz-Diaz, Claudia and Mona Gleason (2015) “The Land is My School: Children, History, and the Environment in the Canadian … Continue reading

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New Research and a Forthcoming Article in “Childhood”

My very latest research project is entitled “Families without Schools: Rurality, Remoteness, and the Promise of Schooling in Western Canada, 1900 to 1960.” In it, I return to the archival collection of the British Columbian Elementary Correspondence School Collection and … Continue reading

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Visiting Scholar, Linköping University, TEMA Barn

I am very pleased to be joining my colleagues in the Department of Thematic Studies, Child Studies (TEMA Barn) for the month of April. Bengt Sandin, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson, Johanna Sköld, and Judith Lind are all members of TEMA Barn, … Continue reading

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History of Children meets the History of Nursing

I’m very excited to be invited by Dr. Geertje Boschma from the Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry, School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia, to present to their Nursing History Symposium, on November 20th, 2014.  My talk will … Continue reading

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