Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Research Direction…..

With the support of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) Explore Grant, I have embarked on a new research direction with my colleague, Dr. Tamara Myers. Together, we are exploring British Columbia’s 1973 Royal Commission on … Continue reading

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Making a Case for the History of Children and Youth

Two of my recent publications focus on the unique analytical power and characteristics of the history of children and youth.  The first article, “ ‘Children Obviously Don’t make History’: Children’s Modalities of Power and Their Contribution to Historical Change,”  published … Continue reading

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New Publication! Parental Advocacy for Rural Education in BC

Along with my co-author, Yotam Ronen (PhD student in EDST), I’m pleased to announce a new publication from my SSHRCC-funded project on the history of parental advocacy for rural education in BC. Entitled ” ‘“I am desirous that she should … Continue reading

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Are Histories of Children and Youth Historically Significant?

Historians of children and youth might read my question above as rhetorical. “Of course histories of children and youth are historically significant!” I think the answer is perhaps not as straightforward and obvious as we might think or hope. In … Continue reading

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New Paper in Progress: “Dreamers at a Distance: Rural Girlhood and the Promise of Education, BC, Canada, 1930-1950”

In preparation for travelling to Leiden, The Netherlands for the upcoming European Social Sciences History Conference (ESSHC) in March, 2019, I’ve been working on a new paper focused on the history of girls in rural British Columbia. This paper offers … Continue reading

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Paper Presentation at the 2019 Society for the History of Children and Youth Conference

I’ve just returned from the 2019 SHCY Conference, held at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney, Australia. My paper, entitled “Encounters and Exchanges: The Promise of Generational/Relational Analysis in the History of Children and Youth”, introduced relational analysis as a … Continue reading

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Past and Present: Advocating for Rural Education

In my ongoing SSHRCC project regarding the history of parental advocacy for children’s schooling in rural parts of BC, issues of methods and methodologies have become paramount. In the project, we are comparing two data sets: one historical and one … Continue reading

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Pleased to announce two awards…..

I am so delighted to be the 2018 recipient of two awards from affiliated committees of the Canadian Historical Association (CHA).  As a former postdoctoral student of the late Dr. Neil Sutherland, a trailblazer in the history of children and … Continue reading

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New SSHRCC Insight Grant – “Talking Back to Victoria: Parental Advocacy for Rural Education in British Columbia, 1920 to the Present”

My new research project, which returns to the archival records of the Elementary Correspondence School in British Columbia’s early twentieth century, has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC).  The project will fund graduate … Continue reading

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Two New Publications – Embodiment in Education and Families without Schools

I’ve published two new articles of note recently. The first is the Keynote Address that I gave last year (2017) at the International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE)  in Chicago.  Entitled “Metaphor, materiality, and method: the central … Continue reading

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