Category Archives: Uncategorized

Work in Progress: How Adults Make Children Vulnerable

I’ve recently returned to an piece of writing that started out as a critique of sex education in Canada in the first five decades of the twentieth century and ended as something slightly different. I’ve entitled it “Constructing Vulnerability and … Continue reading

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Countdown to Vienna!

A second paper emerging from “The Land is My School” project (see more information about this project in my last blog entry) is coming together. I’ll present it at the European Social Sciences History Conference at the University of Vienna … Continue reading

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Upcoming Presentations of New Research

After some months of organizing a new research project entitled, “The Land is my School: Children and the Landscape in British Columbia’s Past and the Enrichment of Contemporary Environmental Learning,” I am about the embark on a some conference presentations. … Continue reading

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The Trouble with “Children’s Voices”

In a recent contribution to the Society for the History of Children and Youth’s (SHCY) blog, I suggest some caveats for historians regarding our (flawed?) search for “children’s voices” in our scholarship. Have we been self-reflexive enough about the theoretical, … Continue reading

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History of Children and Youth Group (HCYG) Session at the CHA Meeting, University of Victoria, June 4, 2013

Join  us for a session entitled: “Unraveling Common and Uncommon Threads: Writing the History of Childhood and Youth in Canada” This bilingual roundtable will examine the conference themes of intersections and edges by asking contributors to unravel the common and … Continue reading

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The book has arrived!

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The Land is My School – UBC Hampton Research Grant, 2013 to 2015

Funded by a UBC Hampton Research Grant, I’ll start a new research project in the next months. It is entitled “The Land in My School: Children and the Landscape in British Columbia’s Past and the Enhancement of Environmental Learning.” This … Continue reading

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Publication of Small Matters: Canadian Children in Sickness and Health, 1900 to 1940

I am looking forward to seeing the book in print in June, 2013 from McGill-Queen’s University Press! From the press blurb: In the first study of its kind in Canada, Mona Gleason explores how children faced death, endured illness, both … Continue reading

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