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Oct 8 / monicadhaliwal

No, We Can’t?

Since the U.S. government shutdown, many have been concerned with what this means for the economy.  United States defense contractor Lockheed Martin stated that it would put 3,000 workers on unpaid leave. One of the consequences of the shutdown includes not being able to collate economic data. Penny Pritzker, U.S. Commerce Secretary, described how this current situation is affecting businesses because of their inability to receive data. Furthermore, the number of staff members on leave is said to grow if the shutdown continues. Not only has the United States government shutdown had an affect on the country’s economy, but it has a global impact as well. Due to the fact that the U.S. economy is the number one economy in the world, it is inevitable that their affairs concern the rest of the world as well. The Chilean President Sebastian Pinera suggested that the country confront its fiscal problems in a more efficient way that wouldn’t include shutting down the government. However, President Obama refuses to negotiate with Republicans over budget issues until they decide to pass a temporary bill to reopen the government as well as raising the country’s borrowing limit. In terms of businesses, many feel that congress needs to find a solution now.


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