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Oct 8 / monicadhaliwal

Is Hipster the New Mainstream?

While economists and older generations fear the end of economic growth in British Columbia, the province’s youth seem to have little concern for what their future entails. The article below highlights how the decline of economic growth in our province should not be an issue for future generations. With a finite number of non-renewable resources, it is evident that a strain on our economy was bound to occur. The article then goes on to state that youth today have adopted a hippie (or hipster) lifestyle that may be the key to what our province should think about on a much larger scale. Activities such as thrift shopping, composting, and bicycling are not only encouraged, but considered trendy for today’s generation. If this trend continues to grow, young people will be more inclined to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle and be more conscience of the world’s natural resources. Luckily,  British Columbia has an abundance of protected territory compared to other provinces, as well as people who still know how to harvest. These key factors will be extremely beneficial for the province moving forward. As more and more youth continue to develop hipster characteristics, there may still be hope for British Columbia’s future economic state.


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