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Archive for January, 2011

Midnight thoughts

Its 1:48 am and I can’t seem to fall asleep. So why not listen to some music, do a little singing and write a blog? 🙂 As I sit here in the wee hours of the morning, I still can’t believe I am already in university, halfway across the Pacific Ocean from my family, and […]

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2010: My Year

Dear 2010, I love you. What can I say?  You were my year. You were the year where everything seemed to fall into place for me, the year where I’ve experienced one of my biggest accomplishments, and most of all, the year that opened a new chapter in an already heavy book that I call my […]

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Hello everyone. So I’ve decided to use my blog for something more rather than letting it all be related to the academia. A sort of diary of my thoughts, feelings and who I am in general. We lead a very fast-paced life and there are moments where you tell yourself “if only I had a remote […]

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