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Archive for the 'Comm 101' Category

To be perfectly honest, Comm 299 has been a very useful course in so many ways, mainly in how to strive in the business world. From CAR statements to resume and cover letter writing to the intense interview process, this class has been a valuable learning experience, and I am not just saying that because […]

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For most of my adolescent years, I’ve always lacked confidence in myself. Lacked confidence in my abilities socially and academically, even though I had the capabilities to succeed in both these fields. I remember the moments where the first thought that crossed my mind before and after an exam would be “I will/have fail[ed].” Furthermore, […]

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Jamie Oliver is one of the most innovative chefs I have ever known. His career began through his television show The Naked Chef, and because of its success, he began writing his own cookbooks, developed more TV shows, and even opened his own restaurant. But what else is unique about Mr. Oliver? He’s not just […]

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Being an Entrepreneur…

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. There are various challenges and risks in starting your own business, such as lack of resources, capital and of course fear of the unknown. An overwhelming feeling amidst the very competitive business world. Some stay away from entrepreneurship exactly because of this but there are some that are willing […]

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What is an entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is basically someone who starts a business using their own resources and become significantly accountable for their own risks. Entrepreneurs start of with an idea and then try to start a business that revolves around that idea. So let me introduce you to Jeffrey Church and Michael Stone, two […]

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The Blackberry is taking the cell phone industry by storm. It has attracted not only business men but also young teens that are drawn by its instant online access and free instant messaging to anyone around the world. Despite its increasing popularity, there is still increasing competition within the cell phone market. Using Porter’s 5 […]

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Yes, Facebook. The new sensation that’s gripping the nation. It’s a social network that has spawned over a million users since it’s launch, and today, has become one of the most powerful tool in the world, specifically the business world. Why? Well, the main reason is that it is an excellent marketing tool in the […]

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Recently, it has been announced that Walmart, one of the largest retailer stores, is planning to take over its equivalent in South Africa, Massmart with a $40 billion deal. Why? Walmart has been experiencing a rapid decline in sales in the United States but have been thankfully aided by strong sales of Walmart’s in China, […]

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In one of our Comm 101 classes, we were asked to contemplate Milton Friedman’s belief that the “only social responsibility of a business is to earn profits while following the law and basic ethical principles.” In other words, Friedman believes that business only act socially responsible to build a reputation with the consumers in order […]

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Recently, Skype, one of the world’s most popular messenger applications, has announced their partnership with Avaya Inc. one of the largest suppliers and makers of corporate phone equipments. The reason being that Skype would want to its services to be used more by corporations and increase its credibility among businesses. As of the beginning of […]

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